Forever Young.

Listening to Forever Young by Alphaville. It’s becoming eerily relevant nowadays. Written in 84 right. The Cold War ended in 91 if I learnt anything in History. 
“Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for while.

Heaven can wait, we’re only watching the skies.

Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst

Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?”
Reminds you of anything similar going on as of right now? The war on terrorism, anyone?
The world keeps going around and around. We’ve never known anything besides war. Think about it. 

My grandparents we’re born in the late 1920’s and early 1930’s. They were born in the aftermath of ‘The Great War’ and were children during WWII. They had kids in the early 60’s. My dad was born 1960 and my mother in 1963. They grew up during an intense period of political unrest. Dad was born in Australia, while his parents were Italian. Most likely hit hard by WWII. My mother was born in Uruguay. A small country in South America with close ties to Cuba. A communist country. Home of The Cuban Missile crisis. Heard of Operation Condor? (
My mother left Uruguay in ’77 and moved to Australia. A country that had just fought in the Vietnam War. Both my parents grew up in a time where war saturated TV screens and sometimes their homelands. 
The Cold War ended in 1991. Now ten years later, 9/11 hits America. Thus bringing the war on terrorism closer and more political unrest and tension. All I have known is war. No doubt all I will ever know is war, and I am sad to say that no doubt it will be all my children will know too.  We never learn. Now as France is being attacked by terrorists, we now watch the skies in fear of a bomb. 
“Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for while.

Heaven can wait, we’re only watching the skies.

Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst

Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?”